To Authors

Hai guysssssss !

We're missing each other, right?
How's your internship?
Pretty good?
Pretty bad? 
Quite tired?
or maybe bored to death?


Share your experiences here.

Before that, there are few things you should mind before you publish your post:
> think twice or thrice before you write your post
> jangan mengumpat about your boss, your staff, DON'T MENTION names. (Use supervisor/director/officemates/etc)
> it's great if you reconsider to write certain details (tooo details) that maybe a private/confidential things for the company

Make sure you put some LABELS on each post
> state  eg: selangor, shah alam, perak, sarawak, australia
> type of company  eg: bakery, milk, palm oil
> activities  eg: lab, QA, processing
> others that seems related and rational :)

HAPPY BLOGGING ^____________^


  1. ada budak enviroment intern sana x ? kalu ada boleh ceritakan job scope dia?

  2. sana mana ye? huhu. basically kat sini food tech
